Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Here is a place to spend an afternoon at in Harbin

If you are visiting Harbin in the summertime you will probably want to visit Sun Island. On the north shore of the Songhua river it's a pleasent way to kill some time. Here you see a beer wagon. Does this remind you of something in the states. Well it doen't have six clydesdales but just like the king of beers it is owned by Budwieser. Let's hope they don't wreck it and turn it into a bud clone. You see alot of horse and donkey carts and wagons in Harbin, which is nice, I think. The are trotting down streets transporting many different things. These horses have had an nice haircut recently. Be sure to try the Harbin Beer, if you are a beer drinker, you can't go wrong with a cold Harbin beer.
Larry aka worldtour


At 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there I love your blog. I currently live in San Diego California and I have been offered a position to teach in China. Shenyang Normal University. I am concerned about the air pollution. Are there places that you recommend teaching English that the air quality is good? Thanks. Bronson

At 7:44 AM, Blogger worldtour said...

Hi Bronson,
Unfortunately air pollution is a problem through out China. I have been to Shenyang, it has the largest wholesale market in China, lots of shopping and great bargains. That is one of the attractions. I only spent about 5 days there. I would have to say I prefer Harbin. I will qualify that because I was really looking for some romance there not site seeing. Like many cities some of the older buildings are not real attractive, you never know what they might be like on the inside. It was also soon after I had come to the north of China. I also remember having some of the same thoughts about Harbin at the time. So I guess you get used to it. If you are really concerned with air pollution you can get a position in more rural places, however you may not have some of the things you can get in the cities. Because you are considering a teachers university you will probably be offered housing on campus and it should be the same as the Chinese teachers and it might be quite nice, depending on how old the campus is. Usually they are quite good but not fancy. Feel free to email me at lrhoe@yahoo.com in regard to jobs and other options, I will be happy to give you some tips and opinions.


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